Category Archives: Worship

November 4th

When I was a boy I had a dot-matrix printed image on my bedroom wall.  I do not recall when or how I got it, but it was a two page long printout that had, in x’s and o’s a … Continue reading

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When Children Worship

  I love the sound of kids in worship.  The smaller the kid and the louder the sound the more I like it!  So does Al Mohler.  And so does God. You may find that claim to be audacious – … Continue reading

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Worshipping on Vacation?

Over the next three months, many of us will be away from our home churches for at least one Sunday.  The reason?  School is out!  It is time for summer vacations!  Even if we don’t have kids or they are all … Continue reading

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Historical Perspectives on Worship Wars: “A Patent Thing A-Squealin’ Over Me!”

I am the very worst sort of bibliophile. I will not only judge, but will even buy a book based upon its cover. During my early twenties – when I was a young, poor grad student (who nonetheless had more … Continue reading

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